Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Use of New Technologies in Education

My goals as an educator of high school students in the Spanish language is to first, teach students the language, and second, making the students familiar with cultural aspects of the language. I see technology aiding me greatly in this task. Two technologies that I foresee helping me are the Smart Board and the augmented reality visualization tool. The Smart Board can be used to administer quizzes, help teach conjugations of verbs, class activities, and many more incredible things. I think the best of those uses is helping students conjugating verbs. High school students have a very difficult time with this for their first two years of class. Helping the students with this could speed up language acquisition time immensely. The Smart Board is a tool that I will use mainly for learning the language. Now the augmented reality visualization tool will be used to teach students about the cultural aspects of the Spanish language. This can be done by showing them historical buildings, natural wonders, and the possibilities are endless as the technology improves. I can see this technology leading to the ability to explore cities of Latin American countries from the classroom. The day that that is possible will completely change the way students are educated in foreign languages.

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