Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Assistive Technology Changing Lives

Mason, Elle, and Lukas all began life with physical disabilities that the average person could never begin to comprehend. Assistive Technologies have helped change the lives of these three and many more like them. Mason is extremely visually impaired with 20/300 vision. This means that what a person with perfect vision is able to see at 300 feet, Mason is only able to see at 20 feet. He is legally blind. With assistive technology Mason is able to learn to read in write in a much easier way than before assistive technologies. Elle was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, which severely impairs muscular movement. Elle is unable to move her limbs, but thanks to assistive technology she is able to communicate with friends, family, and her teachers. Lukas was born with a disease that renders his limbs almost useless. He now can play the horn because of assistive technologies. These technologies have changed the lives of these three kids in ways that could not possibly be imagined in previous generations.

The use of iPads, SMART boards, and a Mountbatten Brailer allow Mason to be able to live a normal family and school life as he would never have been able to without these tools. The iPad is used to play educational games on because of the ability to increase text size. This increase in text size allows him to learn the alphabet as well as read words. The SMART board is used in a similar sense, just while he is at school. The Brailer that Mason used allowed him to type words in braille. This allows him to read papers that he has written. He knows what letter he typed because it is played back to him through audio speakers. Elle, the teenager with Cerebral Palsy is able to communicate with the people around her thanks to the help of a Dynavox. With this, Elle is able to form friendships and relationships that she never would have been able to without the Dynavox. Also, she can communicate her needs and wants to her family and educators as seamlessly as speaking. A joystick horn and a wheelchair give Lukas access to the opportunity to pursue music after high school. Without the joystick, Lukas never would have been able to even dream about playing an instrument in college, let alone even playing an instrument. With the help of all these technologies, students with disabilities are now able to live similar lives to those without these disabilities.

Assistive technologies are helping students with disabilities to reach their full potential. The successes of the students should not be attributed to the technologies, but the ability of the students to adapt to their environment and use technology to live a fulfilling life. The educational world is still in the beginning stages of assistive technologies. With progress in these technologies, the ability to change students with disabilities is limitless.

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